Roger's Park golf course

Roger's Park golf course

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Logo Critiques

The Squarespace is a webhosting company. Their logo has a smooth and professional feel to it the moment you look at it. Compared to other webhosting logos it feels more cutting edge, high quality and serious.

Revision3 is an internet television website. In the logo there is even a television in it. The word Revision3 holds no other meaning outside of the site and makes people want to learn more about what its about the moment you see it.
The Square Enix logo shows a video game company. Its logo seems tech friendly in a way that would appeal to a "geek/nerd" type of crowd. like myself.
The Dragon Ball Z logo is possibly one of the most well known cartoon logos of all time.Its exciting, it jumps out at the viewer and its sharp. When I look at it I see excitement and  action.
The Naruto logo is intriguing when you first see it. Its cartoonish looking, it has bright colors that would appeal to young children, and for those who don't know Japanese( and many of us fall into that sad sad boat) its something different and foreign that makes us wonder what it really is.

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