Roger's Park golf course

Roger's Park golf course

Sunday, February 26, 2012

My process was taking 3 pictures, two of both heaven and hell and one of a guy from the band Veil of Maya. I placed him over the hell picture and I cropped heaven and used to smudge tool on the top of hell and the bottom of heaven.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Monday, February 6, 2012

This is my Teach Everything logo. I originally wanted to do a gradient with different shades of green but I thought it would be too flashy. I chose a font that would appeal to students mainly because the product would be about education. I chose green because it seemed organic instead of something that was strictly futuristic and intimidating like sliver, blue or red. I placed two elipses over each other and excluded the middle to make it look like a ring with two twists in it.